Thursday, August 29, 2013

Why I began couponing

In December of 2012, my husband and I packed up our whole lives in a U-haul and moved away from everyone and everything we knew and loved.  My husband had been offered an amazing job opportunity that we just couldn't pass up.  We had decided before the move that I would stay at home with our son, who was scheduled to be born 4 months later.  Needless to say, going from a two income household to just one was tough, and now we had another mouth to feed.  At times, I'd feel guilty that I wasn't helping contribute to our household.  Here's where couponing fits in.  After watching several TLC episodes of "Extreme Couponing", I was very intrigued.  These men and women would walk into a grocery store and walk out with cartloads of products, only paying pennies.  WHOA!!  Never did I think I could do that.  My desire to help out our household really made me want to save anywhere we could, even if that means becoming an "extreme couponer".

Ok, I must admit, I never plan to be THAT extreme.  There's nothing wrong with anyone wanting to be that extreme with saving money; however, I just don't need 500 cans of SPAM (and to be honest, who really does?).  I just want to be able to have a small stockpile of items that my family would actually use and not have to pay a whole lot for it (isn't that EVERYONES wishes??).  In no way would I consider myself "extreme"...more like, beginner couponer.  Let's face it, once you begin you're hooked.  It gets exciting when you start seeing what you've saved and your pantry starts filling up.  It's like a game, a very addicted game, that I've officially been sucked into.

Here's another freebie for you:  Text the word SCHICK to 24444 to receive your free Hydro Schick Razor.  You're welcome!!

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